16 FEBRUARY 2025

Privacy Statement

1. Curriculum vitae

Structural Recruitment does not sell, rent, loan, trade, lease or give any personal information collected at our website (including email addresses) to third parties except to authorized staff and employers.

2. Amending your details or opting out

To remove your details from our database please email steve@structuralrecruitment.co.uk with your name and address requesting that your CV be deleted from our database.

3. Use of cookies

Cookies are small data files placed on your computer’s hard drive by website administrators to enhance your access to the services provided and remembering user preferences (such as recording user selected items). Future versions of StructuralRecruitment.co.uk may use cookies to speed your access to our website. You have the option of setting your browser to reject cookies should you so wish. However, to do so will hinder website accessibility and performance.

4. Child protection

We do not knowingly collect information about children.

5. Policy changes

We reserve the right to change this privacy statement at anytime by posting the revised policy on this web site. Information will be handled according to the privacy statement posted on the website at the time the information is used.

Last amended 03 July 2006